Purifying Water, Powering Progress – Serving Over
50% of the Maldives.

Company Overview

Founded on April 1, 1995, the Male' Water and Sewerage Company stands as the pioneering institution in the Maldives, setting in motion the provision of safe water and sewerage services.

From our inception, the company has remained steadfast in its mission to supply the residents of Male' with clean and potable water, all while adopting sustainable practices in wastewater management. Today, we proudly extends our services to cover over 50% of the Maldivian population, securing a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of life and environmental well-being across the nation.

In the present day, MWSC has evolved into a versatile engineering and manufacturing entity. With visionary insights, it not only offers integrated utility engineering solutions but also manufactures a diverse range of its own products.

Safe Water for Everyone, Always

With our excellent team of engineers and innovative technology, safe water is supplied and wastewater piped out from households on a 24/7 basis. Our specialized laboratory that pertains to ISO 17025 is equipped with the latest technology to ensure that the supplied water is of utmost excellence. With a sustainability model, we provide customers value-added services and ensure safe water access for all, always.

Find out how we produce water
Safe Water for Everyone, Always

Prioritizing the Company’s goal to provide quality services has impelled us to strategize our approach to incorporating efficiency into the workplace. MWSC has adopted an integrated approach to ensure that International quality and occupational standards are in place.  

MWSC is recognized under ISO 9001 and ISO 45001, which validates the organization as a Company that strictly follows occupational health and safety measures at work, and excellence in provision of services. 

In order to support the company's strategic direction, our team is committed to provide quality products and reliable services to our customers with high accuracy, on-time delivery, and low customer complaints. 

Being established as a medium risk level operation, with regards to ISO 22000:2018, HACCP, and possible risks including food related physical, chemical and biological hazards, our management is highly committed to build food safety conditions across the organization.