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MWSC Embarks on Pioneering Research for Subsea Desalination Technology in Collaboration with FLOCEAN

The Male’ Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC) is please to announce launching of a feasibility study for subsea desalination technology, in partnership with FLOCEAN, a leader in innovative water solutions. This initiative aims to explore the integration of this advanced technology into the MWSC water infrastructure, addressing the nation's unique challenges in delivering sustainable potable water.

As the primary provider of water and sewerage services across the Maldives, MWSC is focused on delivering clean, sustainable drinking water to communities across the archipelago. The dispersed nature of the islands, combined with restricted land, limited freshwater resources and vulnerability to climate change, makes this task increasingly difficult. The Maldives relies heavily on energy-intensive desalination processes, which consume significant energy and generate waste, further impacting the environment.

It is our hope that subsea desalination can offer sustainable solutions by utilizing natural ocean pressure at depths of 500 meters to purify water. It is expected that this method reduces energy consumption approximately by 30% - 50% compared to traditional desalination techniques, which require around 3 kWh of energy per cubic meter of water. Additionally, this technology handles brine waste with less ecological impact, safely reintroducing it back to the sea.

Aligned with national climate change and energy policies, as well as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this study supports the Maldives’ commitment to reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable development. Specifically, it contributes to SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SGD 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 14 (Life Below Water). This ensures access to clean water, addresses the impacts of climate change and protects marine ecosystems by promoting sustainable use of ocean resources.

This feasibility study, conducted in partnership with FLOCEAN, will assess the technical, financial, and environmental viability of subsea desalination in the Maldives. The aim is to develop a scalable model that can enhance the nation's water security with lower energy consumption, reduced cost and less environmental impact.

This initiative marks a significant step forward in MWSC’s mission to provide innovative and sustainable water solutions for the Maldives, ensuring reliable access to clean water for all.