Grease Trap & Drain Cleaner
Model No: ACCEPTA 7144

This product is an innovative, environmentally friendly dry microbial based formulation developed for the maintenance and on-going management of all types of grease trap installations. It eliminates the drainage problems caused by the accumulation of unwanted grease in commercial kitchens and septic tanks.

This product is a powdered product based on micro-organisms, enzymes and nutrients formulated to liquefy and digest grease, cellulose, starch, surfactants, etc. It is particularly useful for use in hotels, restaurants, and canteens of hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, schools, colleges, universities and many other similar facilities.


A colorless to pale yellow slightly liquid


Negligible odor


3.3- 3.7

10.5 @25 oC

Boiling point

The water constituent will boil at approx.105 oC

Freezing point

<0 oC

Flash point

Not applicable

Auto ignition temperature

Not applicable


Not applicable

Explosive properties

Not applicable

Oxidizing properties

Not applicable

Vapor pressure

Negligible Specific gravity (20°C): 1.21

Water solubility

Completely miscible with water


This product can be used to get rid of sink blockages in households and cafes and restaurants.

  • Drainage systems of commercial kitchens.

  • Grease traps in restaurants and canteens.