The Wavin Tegra 600 is a 600mm polypropylene (PP) inspection chamber for use in public sewers as access for inspection, cleaning and maintenance. The Tegra 600 Inspection chamber is the compact solution for 160mm, 200mm, 250mm, 300mm OD underground networks.
This revolutionary chamber offers advantages such as tight fitting, easy handling, shorter installation time, less maintenance resulting in cost effectiveness that plastic provides in contrast to traditional materials. The flexible connections at the base allow a 15º variance in angle of the connected pipe.
Wavin Tegra 600 can be installed in narrow situations, a big advantage compared to large concrete inspection chambers. Because of its high quality raw material, the Tegra 600 can be installed in the street, also in direct contact with asphalt. The Wavin Tegra 600 chamber can with stand up to 25 metric tons wheel load. The Wavin Tegra 600 can also be used as a sand trap in rainwater discharge systems and as a chamber for metering.