Constant Discharge Test
Water is flushed 12-24hrs from Borehole to remove all the mud and other materials in the borehole.
Recovery Test
Test done if required drawdown observed is less than the required level during constant discharge test, to determine residual drawdown of water level.
Step draw down test
To check the drawdown or the extent of the lowering of the water level in the borehole, during pumping.
Yield Test
To determine volume of water discharge from the borehole during a specified time. Checks the time required to fill a 200ltr drum.
Raw Water Chemical Analysis
To check components of water quality including chemical and physical aspects.
SDI Test
To determine the amount of silt and clay in water. Water is pumped from the borehole with 30 PSI (2Kg/ pressure through 0.45 micron filter.
Sieve Analysis
This test is done to check the permeability of water. It is conducted to know the various particle sizes available in confined aquifers at various levels of borehole. Test is done with the sample collected during drilling time.
In-situ Physical Parameter Test
Parameters such as pH, temperature, resistivity, conductivity and TDS are tested on site by using sophisticated Dialysate Meter.